Friday 20 July 2018

1061 Newman and Baddiel in Pieces

First  viewed : September  1993

I  never  saw  The  Mary  Whitehouse  Experience , mainly  because  I  thought  Punt  and  Dennis  were  crap  on  Canned  Carrott.  I  did  see  some  of  this  spin-off  series  featuring  the  more  feted  half  of  the  quartet. The  series  of  seven  episodes  was  not  well  received  and  I  didn't  think  much  of  it  either. The  only  sketches  I  really  recall  are  the  ones  featuring  the  duo  as  two  history  professors  slinging  playground  insults  at  each  other  which  worked  because  of  the  sneaking  suspicion  that   their   mutual  antipathy was  not  entirely  feigned.

The  pair  haven't  worked  together  since.

1 comment:

  1. This was something I really enjoyed as a kind of private secret, it being my first real dip into late Friday night viewing. Newman's existential angst spoke far more to me than Baddiel's more laddish approach - and the "History Today" sketches were some of the very rare moments in the series the two were on screen together.

    Though I've followed Newman's subsequent career far more closely, Baddiel's presence in his next TV project was what tempted me to check it out.

    The pair were spotted together last year - Newman has aged considerably better than his former comedy partner. Must be all the cycling he does!
