Saturday 7 July 2018

1049 Rugrats

First  viewed : Spring  1993

As  mentioned  long  ago, I  watched  the  from-the-beginning  repeats  of  Grange  Hill  on  a  Sunday  morning  in  the  nineties. This  often  entailed  watching  a  few  minutes  of  the  preceding  programme. The  only  one  that  left  any  impression  on  me  was  Rugrats ,  a  sort  of  Simpsons-for-kids  about  a  group  of  toddlers  having  to  contend  with  the  slightly  older  Angelica  pushing  them  around. The  series  ran  from  1991  to  2004. 

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps most of interest due to Devo leader Mark Mothersbaugh doing the music. From a personal perspective, I had a friend in my sixth form years nicknamed "Chucky" due to his (apparent) resemblance to the character from this show.
